Noble Strategy installed the plugin Cancel orders block (automatic cancellation of orders for a certain time).
Vinyl Gourmet is an online store that sells vinyls.
Noble Strategy installed the plugin Cancel orders block (automatic cancellation of orders for a certain time). Vinyl Gourmet is an online store that sells vinyls. Cliente: […]
Noble Strategy installed the plugin PayPal Fees (Paypal with fees included in fee). Vinyl Gourmet is an online store that sells vinyls. Cliente: VinylGourmet Serviço: Plugin Website:
Noble Strategy installed the plugin Block rolling text (text slider). Vinyl Gourmet is an online store that sells vinyls. Cliente: VinylGourmet Serviço: Plugin Website:
Noble Strategy installed the plugin sliders (sliders in the middle of the homepage) and personalized it. MyLuckyCode works as a sale by auction, where the user […]
Noble Strategy installed Sweepstakes plugin (auction functionality) and personalized it. MyLuckyCode works as a sale by auction, where the user can buy credits, choose the item […]
Noble Strategy installed Credit Module (prepaid credit functionality) and personalized it. MyLuckyCode works as a sale by auction, where the user can buy credits, choose the […]
Noble Strategy installed the plugin Mega Customer menu (menus) and personalized it. Planeta dos Animais is an online store that offers a wide range of products. Client: […]
Noble Strategy installed the plugin Post Static Block (static blocks) and personalized it. Planeta dos Animais is an online store that offers a wide range of products. […]
Noble Strategy installed plugin Featured Products with slider on the homepage (shows featured products) and personalized it. Planeta dos Animais is an online store that offers a […]
Noble Strategy installed the plugin Bank Wire with Discount (discount bank transfer). Vinyl Gourmet is an online store that sells vinyls. Client: VinylGourmet Service: Plugin Website:
Noble Strategy installed Promotions plugin (shows promotions) and personalized it. Planeta dos Animais is an online store that offers a wide range of products. Cliente: Planeta dos […]
Noble Strategy installed Followprice plugin and customize it, for te Planeta dos animais store. Planeta dos Animais is an online store that offers a wide range of […]
Noble Strategy installed Flash Sales Pro plugin and customize it. Planeta dos Animais is an online store that offers a wide range of products. Client: Planeta […]
Noble Strategy installed Block Banner plugin (several blocks to place advertising). MyAudioPhileStore is an online trading company sound items. Cliente: MyAudioPhileStore Service: Plugin Website:
Noble Strategy installed plugin MB Reference that generates a cash benchmark by Invoice Express and personalized it. MyAudioPhileStore is an online trading company sound items. Client: […]
Integration WinOpt management system F3M with online store open source Magento. Client: Ópticas do Minho Service: System Integration Website:
Integration of EasyPay payment method with online store open source Magento. Client: Ópticas do Minho Service: Payment Method Integration Website:
Noble Strategy installed the plugin Social Referrals + connections (Vouchers and Bonus) and personalized it. Planeta dos Animais is an online store that offers a wide range […]