Cartography Block Generator Pro
28 September, 2015
AvalSOFT Áreas
28 September, 2015


Software developed for the Ordem dos Avaliadores and to the Suporte Numérico company. It was created an intuitive and methodical tool to assist appraisers in the land avaluation in order to see if it is good to start building or not.

The development is based on old Excel leaves used to teach the course and validated with its practical use.

It was added the ability to analyze the valuation of land according to various scenarios, aesthetic and dynamic methods, generating Cash Flows with it capitalization and update rates. At the beginning of the application, the user can choose whether to perform a quick or a detailed assessment, depending on his experience or detail he want in the final report. It were created structured routines which lead the user to good business practices, explaining all the following steps, concepts and nomenclatures used.

This software is protected with anti-piracy system using a USB hardware key.

Includes: single-seater protect switch.


  • Extremely complex;
  • Too much information to analyze and store;
  • Need for technical experts to do the calculations;
  • Process extremely time consumer;
  • Unproductive, taking too long to those involved;


  • Process Automation;
  • Enter the data and automatically generates results;

And the benefits?

  • Increased productivity;
  • Freed the workers to other tasks;
  • Reduces costs;
  • Organization of assessments, because they are all on the same system;
  • Super precise calculation of the value of the land;
  • Intuitive and simple;
  • Generate extremely detailed results reports;
  • It allows more time to analyze the data;
  • More time / resources to focus on customer service;


